FH Europe News

EACH Plan for Cardiovascular Health Launched

EACH Plan for Cardiovascular Health Launched

Calling for a comprehensive EU policy response to improve the cardiovascular health of European citizens EACH Plan for Cardiovascular Health Launched The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH), of which FH Europe is a proud member, revealed its...

A new report to boost cardiovascular health in Europe

A new report to boost cardiovascular health in Europe

It is time to shift from cardiovascular disease to cardiovascular health A new report calls for screening, outcomes-based care, and data-driven decision making to boost cardiovascular health across Europe. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains Europe’s...

Another milestone achieved, FH paediatric screening publication in EHJ

Another milestone achieved, FH paediatric screening publication in EHJ

Screening in children for familial hypercholesterolaemia: start now Today, FH Europe welcomes the article on FH paediatric screening published in the European Heart Journal on 4 May 2022. Titled “Screening in children for familial hypercholesterolaemia: start now” and...

Heart Beat News – April 2022

Heart Beat News – April 2022

In the April edition of FH Europe’s Heart Beat newsletter you’ll find the following: Information about a preliminary analysis of research conducted by FH Europe and the World Heart Federation into the global status of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) A major new...

Rare Barometer – Take action on rare conditions

Rare Barometer – Take action on rare conditions

FH Europe supports the latest EURORDIS Rare Barometer survey on the Journey to Diagnosis for People Living with a Rare Disease. We call upon all people living with HoFH and FCS, as well as their caregivers, in our community to participate in and to disseminate this...

FH Europe is registered as a charity; Charity number 1170731, registered in England and Wales.

FH Europe is registered as a charity; Charity number 1170731, registered in England and Wales.

FH Europe is supported by an educational grant from Amgen Limited, Sanofi, Regeneron, Akcea Therapeutics Inc. and Amryt
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