FH Europe News

Reduce premature and preventable deaths caused by CVD and diabetes
Prepared by: Kristyna Cillikova, Diagnoza FH, z.s., Czech Republic How can we reduce premature and preventable deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases and diabetes? The case for an European Cardiovascular Health Plan This year's Czech Presidency of the Council of the...

Heart Beat News – November 2022
In the November edition of FH Europe’s Heart Beat newsletter you’ll find news of the following: What made FH Europe’s Annual Network Meeting 2022 so special? International advocates came together at the European Parliament in Brussels. We are delighted to welcome...

Cardiovascular Health Plan for Europe
Taking the pulse: Is the Europe ready and to take concrete steps towards urgently needed Cardiovascular Health Plan to save lives and work towards a Healthy union? A brief look at what happened at the EU Parliament event On 17 November 2022, the European Alliance for...

The Lisbon meeting – FH Europe meeting after 3 years
The 2022 FH Europe's Annual Network Meeting is now officially dubbed the Lisbon meeting. The long-anticipated event took place in the spirit of incredible energy and enthusiasm among participants. What made the meeting so special? It was a combination of very strong...

Taking the pulse: A Cardiovascular Health Plan for Europe
On November 17 we will attend a milestone event “Taking the pulse: A Cardiovascular Health Plan for Europe”, in the European Parliament hosted by MEP Tomislav Sokol, and you are more than welcome to join us. This upcoming event is an opportunity to discuss how the EU...
FH Europe is supported by an educational grant from Amgen Limited, Sanofi, Regeneron, Akcea Therapeutics Inc. and Amryt
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