End of Year message
As the year draws to a close, we would like share with our community an End of Year message.
Despite the uncertainties and the difficulties that 2021 has brought, FH Europe has had a very positive year. Although those have been very intense 12 months, the organization has made new alliances and delivered many impactful events.
Internally, FH Europe carried out a major strategic review and developed a fresh Guiding Purpose and Vision which has confirmed our coverage of all inherited lipid conditions and given us enhanced focus on our most important objectives. Alongside our Scientific Advisory Committee, we also created a new Policy Advisory Committee to work jointly on implementing the research findings through health policies. Our Network continues to grow, and this year we have welcomed five new member organisations – two from Lithuania, and one from Belgium, Bulgaria, and Israel. We were also delighted to participate in the launch of EACH, the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health and join the European Patients’ Forum as member.
The most important and most exciting development was the push towards paediatric screening for FH in Europe that started with our earlier successful submission to the European Commission Best Practice Portal and continued with the very successful high level Technical Meeting on paediatric FH screening under the Slovenian presidency of the Council of the EU. We are now seeing further developments from this policy paper publication and national support in implementation. We are confident that the generated momentum can be sustained through 2022 and beyond.
In the new year we will be strengthening the participation of patients with new patient trustees and a Patient Advisory Council as well as Patient Ambassadors.
Let us thank all our Network member organizations, our partners, collaborators, sponsors and supporters for making this year one to remember and taking us closer to the goal of improving lives of individuals and their families affected with these pernicious inherited conditions.
Finally, we would like to wish everyone a wonderful and a safe period of seasonal celebrations with your families and loved ones.
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John Reeve FH Europe, Chair of the Board of Trustees |
Magdalena Daccord FH Europe, Chief Executive |
FH Europe is supported by an educational grant from Amgen Limited, Sanofi, Regeneron, Akcea Therapeutics Inc. and Amryt
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