FH Europe News

FH Europe e-Flash : May ’18
The May edition of the FH Europe e-Flash rounds up the latest news Stories include: FH Europe members attend a media training workshop. First face-to-face meeting of the new Trustee Board. Results of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES clinical trial. Lifestyle News from around the...

FH Europe e-Flash : Feb ’18
The February edition of the FH Europe e-Flash rounds up the latest news Stories include: FH Europe appoints two new Trustees. FH Europe website updates its image. Capacity building opportunity for members of the European Patients’ Forum. Request for patient education...

FH Europe e-Flash : Dec ’17
The December edition of the FH Europe e-Flash rounds up the latest news Stories include: European Parliament event – Putting the Heart First in Cardiovascular Care. FH Europe's annual network meeting in Budapest. Looking ahead to 2018. Trustee Board News. All the...

FH Europe e-Flash : Sep ’17
The latest e-Flash from FH Europe celebrates what is happening around Europe to mark international FH Awareness Day on 24 September. A key element for many member organisations is helping to ‘find FH’ by means of organising cholesterol testing in shopping centres and...

FH Europe Website is Launched
Since its inception in 2015, the FH Europe network has grown to include 23 member organisations in 22 countries, all sharing the goal of identifying as many people as possible who have familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and ensuring they receive early and appropriate...
FH Europe is supported by an educational grant from Amgen Limited, Sanofi, Regeneron, Akcea Therapeutics Inc. and Amryt
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