FH Europe News

Announcing Magdalena Daccord as FH Europe new Chief Executive

Announcing Magdalena Daccord as FH Europe new Chief Executive

We are pleased to announce that Magdalena Daccord has been appointed as our new Chief Executive. She officially started on Nov 1st 2019. Chair of the Board of Trustees, Jules Payne commented: "On behalf of myself and the Board of Trustees, we very much welcome...

FH Europe E-Flash : October ’19

FH Europe E-Flash : October ’19

The October edition of the FH Europe e-Flash rounds up the latest news. In this edition: We mark the tragic death of a founding member of the network, Europe-wide awareness-raising for FH, World Heart Day 2019, All the latest news from around the network and News stories from across the world

Tribute to Gabriele Hanauer-Mader

Tribute to Gabriele Hanauer-Mader

It was with great sadness that we learnt on 22nd August of the sudden and unexpected death of Gabriele Hanauer-Mader. For all who knew Gaby as a warm, likeable, energetic woman who dedicated a great deal of her time to promoting the cause and treatment of individuals...

FH Europe E-Flash : October ’19

FH Europe E-Flash : July ’19

The July edition of the FH Europe e-Flash rounds up the latest news In this edition: FH Europe representatives meet EAS FHSC at the EAS Congress in Maastricht and a link to news from the Congress EU news on endocrine disruptors Rare disease and research updates Do we...

FH Europe E-Flash : October ’19

FH Europe E-Flash : Spring ’19

The Spring edition of the FH Europe e-Flash rounds up the latest news Stories include: FH Europe and European Atherosclerosis Society agree closer cooperation to improve treatment and research for FH 87th EAS Congress in Maastricht News about Rare Disease Day 2019...

FH Europe is registered as a charity; Charity number 1170731, registered in England and Wales.

FH Europe is registered as a charity; Charity number 1170731, registered in England and Wales.

FH Europe is supported by an educational grant from Amgen Limited, Sanofi, Regeneron, Akcea Therapeutics Inc. and Amryt
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