Rare Disease Day 2021
Launched in 2008 by EURORDIS, Rare Disease Day takes place in February each year to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. On Rare Disease Day we campaign for action for people living with a rare disease to have equal opportunities to realise their potential for participation in family, work and social life.
At FH Europe, Rare Disease Day is an important date in our calendar, providing an opportunity to raise awareness for HoFH (Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia) and celebrate the people who are dedicated advocates for the disease.


In 2021, Rare Disease Day is especially remarkable for FH Europe, as EURORDIS will virtually host the annual Black Pearl Awards, recognising and celebrating the exceptional work of people making a difference for the rare disease community. This year, we are delighted that Athanasios (Thanos) Pallidis, a dedicated HoFH advocate, has been nominated for the EURORDIS Young Advocate Award for his work in raising awareness of the rare condition – while being a patient of HoFH himself.
Thanos’s passion for FH patient care has contributed to improved FH global policy, advocacy for patients and increase in awareness about FH among the European medical community. Help us celebrate Thanos’s inspirational work by voting for him here
What is HoFH?
Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) is a rare disease, affecting 1 person in 300 000. It only happens if a child inherits two copies of exactly the same gene alteration, one from each parent. If undiagnosed and untreated, HoFH can cause serious heart disease in childhood. Until recently, there were few treatment options for people who have HoFH. However, significant research in this area has led to exciting new developments.
Learn more about HoFH, find the most important facts and support information here: Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Visit our Glossary of Terms to better understand some of the specific terminology.
Many Faces, One Heart
“Many Faces, One Heart” is a special awareness campaign created to put a real face behind patients with HoFH, to demonstrate that patients with HoFH are real people with passions, dreams, also struggles. It is also to inspire and show that HoFH patients are not defined by their rare and severe condition. On the contrary!
“My rare disease is part of who I am, but It doesn’t define me”
Meet some of our incredible ambassadors and their families. Learn how they pursue their hobbies and ambitions, despite the challenges HoFH can throw at them. Find out about their inspiring work they do and the challenges they face in their everyday life. They have many interesting “faces” you might not have known or thought of, yet they have just one heart. And our job is to protect it!
Are you an HoFH patient? Do you know an HoFH patient keen to be involved? Become an ambassador for the community, share your story, inspire, and help raise awareness! Together we can save hearts!
Brussels Rare Disease Week
Brussels RDW is a week-long series of events organised by EURORDIS in Brussels, plus a series of preparatory webinars. The goal is to empower, rare disease patient advocates, with knowledge and skills to effectively participate in advocacy activities at the European level and as a result influence the EU decisions that have a direct impact on the lives of people living with a rare disease.
In 2020, FH Europe has been selected among few other European patient organizations and awarded a place in this project. Through RDW, the hope is to raise awareness of HoFH, the rare form of Familial Hypercholesterolemia, and, together with other advocates, to present a strong and united message to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and other policy-makers in Brussels on behalf of the rare disease community.
The first Brussels Rare Disease Week (RDW) will take place during the week of 22 February 2021, organised in the lead up to Rare Disease Day 2021 (28 February).
The week will be made up of events including training, meetings with policy makers and networking events. During the week, FH Europe Chief Executive will be able to put her knowledge into practice and raise awareness of HoFH at the European Parliament.
You can find more here:
Get Involved

#Vote Thanos
Learn more about Thanos, HoFH and the EURORDIS Black Pearl Awards. Share on Social Media

Many Faces, One Heart
Find and share the images and the stories of our HoFH ambassadors

EURORDIS Rare Disease Day
Find additional resources for the Rare Disease Day 2021