Network Organisations
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Network Organisations by Country

FHchol Austria
Audorfgasse 8
1210 Wien, Austria
T: +43 677 63074664
FHchol Austria ist eine gemeinnützige Patientenorganisation für Patienten mit Familiärer Hypercholesterinämie oder verwandten genetischen Stoffwechselstörungen. Es ist unser erklärtes Ziel und unsere Vision, Herzkreislauferkrankungen, die auf FH zurückzuführen sind, zu verhindern. Wir schärfen das Bewusstsein für FH und weisen darauf hin, dass FH schon in der Kindheit zu Atherosklerose führen kann. Ebenso setzen wir uns für eine möglichst frühzeitige Diagnose und optimale Behandlung für FH-Betroffene ein – getreu unserem Motto: Über FH Bescheid zu wissen kann Leben retten!
- Bewusstseinsschärfung für FH – eine unterdiagnostizierte, aber häufige Fettstoffwechselerkrankung
- Förderung der frühzeitigen Diagnose/des rechtzeitigen Screenings auf FH und der optimalen Therapie für FH-Betroffene
- Unterstützung des „Fass dir ein Herz“-FH Register & Screening-Projekts der Österreichischen Atherosklerosegesellschaft in Österreich
- Forderung von Präventionsprogrammen an die Politik
- Lobbying-Tätigkeit bei Stakeholdern zur Erstattung moderner Therapien
- Zusammenarbeit mit Klinikern und dem Gesundheitssektor
- Public Relations & Medienarbeit
- Regelmäßige Patiententreffen & von Experten begleitete Symposien, Konferenzen, etc.
- Produktion von Info-Materialien, Filmen, Newslettern; Website und Social-Media-Aktivitäten
FHchol Austria
FHchol Austria is a non-profit patient organization for patients with familial hypercholesterolemia and related genetic lipid disorders. Our vision is to prevent premature cardiovascular disease due to FH. By raising awareness of FH, which may cause atherosclerosis as early as in childhood, we promote early diagnosis and optimal treatment of FH. Our motto is: Get wise to FH and save lives!
- Raising awareness of FH: a poorly known but frequent lipid disorder
- Promotion of early diagnosis/screening and optimal treatment for individuals affected by FH
- Support of the FH Registry & Cascade Screening project of the Austrian Atherosclerosis Society in Austria
- Urging politicians to finance prevention programs
- Lobbying with stakeholders to promote reimbursement for novel therapies
- Collaboration with clinicians & the health sector
- Public relations & media work
- Regular patient meetings & symposia hosted by experts
- Production of information material including films on FH and regular newsletters, website and social media
FHchol Austria

Ligue Cardiologique Belge / Belgian Heart League
Rue des Champs Elysées 63, 1050 Bruxelles
The Belgian Heart League works at the national level to reduce the impact of cardiovascular diseases on morbidity and mortality among the Belgian population. To do so, it distributes scientific information about risk factors and diseases through brochures, posters, press releases and campaigns.
The main goal of the Belgian Heart League is to encourage a maximum of people to live a healthy lifestyle and get their needed medical follow-up. In that context, raising awareness about cholesterol and FH is crucial, considering the lack of general knowledge around those topics and their prevalence among the population.

Federation Bulgarian Patients Forum
Bulgaria, Sofia 1309
zh.k. Sveta troitsa, bl.297
Федерация “Български пациентски форум” защитава правото на лечение на български пациенти и достъпа им до качествени здравни грижи.
От години работим за заболявнето Фамилна хиперхолестеролемия.
Работата ни е в две посоки. Информираност на пациентите и работа с институции.
Всяка година организираме срещи с пациенти, за да обясним рисковете от заболяването, симптомите, възможностите за лечение. В продължение на 3 години обиколихме цяла България за скрийнинг.
Ние сме в постоянна комуникация с институциите. Първата ни цел беше да разпознаем FH, като социално значима болест и да възстановим средствата за лечение. В момента основната ни цел е да няма отлагаме лечението поради административни проблеми.
Federation “Bulgarian Patient Forum” is a non-governmental organization whose goal is to protect the rights of people with various diseases, their timely access to quality treatment and appropriate therapy for their condition. The Federation “Bulgarian Patient Forum” has regional representatives in the 28 districts of Bulgaria, ready to help patients with everything related to their health (problems).
With our member organization “Cardiology and familial hypercholesterolemia Bulgaria”, we have been working for the improvement of the situation of people with familial hypercholesterolemia for years. Our activities focus on two specific areas, improvement of disease awareness and collaboration with various national and international institutions. Every year, at Federation Bulgarian Patients Forum, we organize patient meetings in order to improve the health literacy of patients and lay public.
At our events, we explain to the participants what FH is, its symptoms, risks and disease consequences as well as available treatment options. For the last 3 years, we have toured the country with events, where we educated about and tested Bulgarians for high LDL cholesterol. Our priority is to have FH recognized as a significant public health burden and to obtain reimbursement for FH medications and treatments.
Czech Republic

Česká aliance pro kardiovaskulární onemocnění, z.s.
Černín 93, Zdice 267 51
Tel. +420 608 234 466
Česká aliance pro kardiovaskulární onemocnění (ČAKO) je spolek sdružující pacienty s onemocněním srdce a cév nebo s rizikovými faktory, které mohou tato onemocnění způsobit. Kromě pacientů s FH jde např. o pacienty s vrozenými kardiovaskulárními onemocněními jako jsou kardiomyopatie, arytmické syndromy a dědičné aortopatie, ale také o pacienty s chronickým srdečním selháním nebo fibrilací síní. ČAKO se zaměřuje na vzdělávání, osvětu v oblasti prevence KVO a na advokacii pacientů.

Suomen Sydänliitto
Oltermannintie 8
PL 50
00621 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 752 7521
Suomessa on 11 000 familiaalista hyperkolesterolemiaa (FH) sairastavaa. Tämä perustuu oletukseen taudin yleisyydestä 1:500. Esiintyvyys saattaa olla suurempikin, jolloin potilaita on vastaavasti enemmän.
Kelan erityiskorvattavuus perinnöllisen rasva-aineenvaihdunnan häiriön (pääasiassa FH) lääkeisiin on 5 000 henkilöllä. Ei tiedetä, kuinka moni näiden lisäksi saa lääkitystä sepelvaltimotaudin perusteella tai muuten.
Suomessa ei toistaiseksi ole FH-potilaiden yhdistystä. Vuonna 2015 perustettiin Facebook-ryhmä ”FH-tauti”, joka kasvaa hitaasti. Toukokuussa 2016 siinä on 11 potilasta ja 7 ammattilaista.
Suomen Sydänliitto on 60-vuotias, Euroopan vanhin sydänjärjestö. Tehtävämme on tukea sydänpotilaita ja edistää sydänterveyttä ja sydänsairauksien ehkäisyä.
Sydänliiton tärkeisiin tehtäviin kuuluu tietoisuuden levittäminen kolesterolista sepelvaltimotaudin riskitekijänä.
Sydänpiirit ja -yhdistykset suorittavat kolesterolimittauksia ja ohjaavat tarvittaessa jatkotutkimuksiin.
Verkkosivuillamme ( on runsaasti tietoa FH-taudista ( ja yleisemmin kolesteroliasioista ( Sivuillemme on tulossa sovellus Ruotsissa kehitetystä FH-testistä. Verkkosivuillamme, Sydän-lehdessä ja muissa painotuotteissamme on säännöllisesti FH-aineistoa.
Verkkosivujen Asiantuntia vastaa -palstalla voi esittää kolesteroliin ja FH:aan liittyviä kysymyksiä. Jaamme tietoa myös Facebook-ryhmän kautta.
Sydänliitto tekee yhteistyötä ammatillisten järjestöjen kanssa FH-tietoisuuden lisäämiseksi terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten keskuudessa.
Ajankohtaisena tehtävänä on FH-potilaiden verkoston kasvattaminen Facebookissa, mikä saattaa tulevaisuudessa johtaa yhdistyksen perustamiseen,
There are 11,000 FH patients in Finland assuming 1:500 prevalence, more if higher estimates apply.
5,000 receive Special Medication Reimbursement due to hereditary dyslipidaemias, mainly FH. An unknown number may receive statins based on diagnosed coronary heart disease or otherwise.
No FH patient organisation exists as yet. A Facebook group “FH-tauti” was founded in 2015 and is slowly expanding, comprising 11 patients and 7 interested professionals (May 2016).
The Finnish Heart Association is a 60-year old organisation, the oldest of its kind in Europe. Our mission is to support heart disease patients and to promote heart health and prevention of heart disease in society.
Advocating awareness of high plasma cholesterol as a risk factor for coronary heart disease is a high priority for the Association.
Regional and local heart associations measure blood cholesterol concentrations and refer for further work-up and treatment as indicated.
Our web pages ( contain extensive information on FH ( and other cholesterol-related issues ( An adaptation of the Swedish FH test is being published on our pages. FH related materials are regularly published in our web and print media.
Our Ask the Expert section is open to questions related to cholesterol and FH. We provide information within the Facebook group.
The Heart Association collaborates with professional organisations to promote FH awareness among medical professionals.
At present, we promote the development of FH patient networking within the Facebook group, in view of a formal organisation in the future, if desired.

Association Anhet.f
16, rue Brûlée
51100 REIMS
L ‘hyper cholestérolémie familiale est une maladie trop peu connue en France. Aidez-nous à lui faire sa juste place pour mieux la combattre.
L’hypercholestérolémie familiale ou HF est une maladie caractérisée par une élévation du « mauvais cholestérol » dès la naissance.
Dans ce cas, l’hypercholestérolémie n’est pas le résultat d’une mauvaise hygiène de vie et d’une mauvaise alimentation, c’est une maladie familiale, la maladie génétique la plus répandue.
L’HF est une maladie invisible, plus de 90% des personnes atteintes en France ne sont actuellement pas diagnostiquées.
En l’absence de dépistage et de prise en charge précoce, le risque d’accident cardiovasculaire est augmenté dès le plus jeune âge.
ANHET est l’unique association de patients en France : rejoignez nous!
Pour prendre notre avenir en main, ANHET s’engage à:
- Informer le public, le corps médical et les autorités sanitaires et médicales, à faciliter et améliorer le diagnostic et à faire connaître et reconnaître cette maladie génétique.
- Favoriser l’échange entre patients et apporter une aide technique et morale aux familles confrontées à une hypercholestérolémie familiale.
- Transmettre l’information sur l’évolution de la recherche médicale.
Nous sommes déterminés à créer un groupe important, capable de peser sur les orientations politiques en France, avec l’Europe. Nous pourrons ainsi agir efficacement et en toute indépendance pour répondre aux attentes des patients et des familles concernés par cette.
Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is not a well-known disease in France, help us to give it its rightful place and to fight it more effectively.
FH is a disease characterised by its high level of “bad cholesterol” from birth. In such cases, the hypercholesterolemia is not the result of a bad lifestyle and a poorly balanced diet but a familial matter and it is the most widely spread genetic disease.
FH is insidious and more than 90% of the people affected in France are not diagnosed yet. Without early screening and care, the risk of cardiovascular accident increases from an early age.
Anhet is the only patient’s association in France, JOIN US!
To take care of our future, Anhet is committed to:
- informing the public, the medical, health and social authorities in order to disseminate the current state of scientific and medical knowledge,
- improving the diagnosis and making it more accessible, raising the awareness about this illness
- facilitating exchanges between patients and bringing technical and moral support to their families
- delivering information about the evolution of medical research.
We want to create an important group, capable of influencing policy directions in France with the support of Europe. Thus we would be able to act freely and efficiently in order to answer to the questions and expectations of the concerned families.

Cholesterin und Co e.V.
Hoherodskopfstraße 30
60435 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49 69 95425945
Aufmerksamkeit für Familiäre Hypercholesterinämie erwecken – Wissen kann Leben retten!
Die Patientenorganisation CholCo hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Familiäre Hypercholesterinämie in Deutschland bekannt zu machen. Mit einem zukünftigen Cholesterin Screening bei Kindern wäre eine frühe Diagnosestellung und Therapie gesichert, um lebensbedrohende Ereignisse wie Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall zu verhindern.
CholCo setzt auf den persönlichen Kontakt und Erfahrungsaustausch unter Betroffenen. Die Sicherstellung der frühzeitigen und optimalen medizinischen Versorgung soll gefördert werden, ebenso wie die optimale Prävention von Herzkreislauferkrankungen. CholCo tritt als Interessensvertretung gegenüber Kostenträgern und medizinischen Leistungserbringern auf. Wir engagieren uns in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung, vor allem aber in der Bekanntmachung des Krankheitsbildes.
Raising awareness for Familial Hypercholesterolemia – knowledge can save lives!
The patient organisation’s goal is to raise awareness for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia across Germany. Future cholesterol screening in children would ensure early diagnosis and therapy that could help prevent life-threatening events such as heart attack or stroke.
CholCo fosters personal contact and exchange of experience between individuals affected by FH.
CholCo promotes the early diagnosis and optimal medical treatment of FH with the help of state funding to guarantee prevention of early heart disease. CholCo serves as an advocacy group vis-à-vis duty bearers and health insurance companies. We are co-operating and networking internationally, but above all we promote awareness of FH.

LDL Greece
Lykourgou 9 (4th floor),
Tel. 6996906881
Ο ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ μας έχει χαρακτήρα μη κερδοσκοπικό, με πρωταρχικό σκοπό τη διεκδίκηση και παροχή κάθε δυνατής επιστημονικής, κοινωνικής, οικονομικής και ηθικής συμπαράστασης προς τους ασθενείς που πάσχουν από οικογενή υπερχοληστερολαιμία και τις οικογένειές τους.
- ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ Η συμμετοχή και συνεργασία του ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΥ με επιστημονικούς οργανισμούς ή οργανώσεις, καθώς και με άλλους συλλόγους και με κάθε συναφή φορέα, οι οποίοι ασχολούνται με κάθε τρόπο με το ζήτημα της οικογενούς υπερχοληστερολαιμίας και την αποτελεσματική αντιμετώπιση της πάθησης με νέες βελτιωμένες μεθόδους θεραπείας, διάγνωσης και ανίχνευσης φορέων.
Η ενημέρωση και κάθε μορφής πληροφόρηση του γενικού πληθυσμού, αλλά και ειδικότερα όσων έχουν σχέση με τη νόσο, προκειμένου να ευαισθητοποιηθούν για αυτή την «κρυφή», αλλά τόσο απειλητική για τη ζωή ασθένεια. - Η προστασία των δικαιωμάτων των ασθενών και η διεκδίκηση από το κράτος της έμπρακτης ενεργούς συμπαράστασης προς τους πάσχοντες και τις οικογένειές τους.
Our association is non-profit. Our first priority is providing and claiming any possible scientific,financial,social, and ethical assistance to the patients suffering from FH , and to their families.
- Our association’s mission is to participate and collaborate with scientific societies or associations, other patient groups, and any other FH related initiative that focuses on FH in any possible way. From treating FH with improved new treatments, to diagnosing new patients. Finally, access to information and informing the general public, but also people related to FH, is one of our top priorities in order to raise awareness for this silent-yet-deadly condition.
- Ensuring that patient rights are maintained, and claiming assistance from the government for FH patients and their families.

SZÍVSN Országos Betegegyesület
1134 Budapest,
Angyalföldi út 36 III/122.
Tel. +36/20-825-8076
FH Magyarországi betegszervezete 2016 januárjában alakult meg a SZÍVSN betegszervezet irányítása alatt. SZÍVSN betegszervezet már több éve foglalkozik FH-s betegek szűrésével a Mona Lisa kampány keretében. Havonta 1-szer szervezünk méréseket illetve előadásokat ahol a magas koleszterin veszélyeiről tájékoztatjuk az érdeklődőket. A kampány célja a hazai FH páciensek megtalálása, részükre edukáció és vizsgálatok indítása.
A familiáris hyperkoleszterinemia Magyarországon minden 500. felnőtt lakosból kimutatható egynél, és minden 20 magas koleszterinszintű egyén közül egyben fordul elő. Öröklődéssel a koleszterin értéke jelentősen meghaladhatja a 8 mmol/l-t is, miközben a védőfaktor HDL-koleszterin és a triglyceridszint is normális.
A kialakított FH csoport összefogásával felszínre hozhatók az egészségügyi ellátórendszer hiányosságaiból adódó problémák. Hazánkban 60 000 fő/év a kardiovaszkuláris betegségekből adódó mortalitás ezért a szervezet fontosnak tarja a betegség korai felfedezését és kezelését.
About Us
FH Hungary Patient Organisation was established at the beginning of 2016 under the leadership of the SZÍVSN organization. The organisation deals with screening of FH patients within the framework of the Mona Lisa campaign. We organise measurements and events on a monthly basis where we provide information about the danger of high cholesterol. The aim of this campaign is identification of FH patients by providing them with education and conducting thorough examinations.
Familial hypercholesterolaemia can be found in one in every 500 adult inhabitants in Hungary and by 1 in every 20 individuals with high cholesterol levels. Where levels of cholesterol are inherited, they can exceed 8 mmol/l while HDL cholesterol and triglycerid levels are normal.
With the creation of an FH group, we can identify the challenges of the gaps which exist in the Hungarian healthcare system. Mortality due to cardiovascular diseases can be found in 60,000 people each year and therefore the FH organisation considers early detection and early treatment to be important.

Croí Heart & Stroke Centre
Croí House
Moyola Lane
H91 FF68
Tel: 091–544310
About us
Croí is a not-for-profit foundation established in 1985 dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke in the West of Ireland. We are an independent organisation, totally funded through our own fundraising activities, voluntary contributions and philanthropic support.
Our vision is to provide leadership in the prevention, control and recovery from cardiovascular disease.
We aim to increase awareness of cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol through our expert support, guidance and educational services.
What we do
In order to increase awareness of cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol (including FH), we aim to:
- Build healthier communities through education, advocacy and empowerment.
- Promote early diagnosis and access to treatment for those at risk of CVD.
- Pursue the highest level of cardiovascular health care services through engagement with policy makers and health practitioners.
- To establish partnership and cross sectional work
- Facilitate, participate and collaborate in vital research.

אגודת הלב הישראלי
Israeli Heart Association
16 Arnon street,
About us
The Israeli Heart Association is a non-profit patient organization focused on supporting heart & cvd patients and their caregivers as well as elevating, promoting and advocating the awareness to Heart illnesses & cvd, and early detection of risk factors of heart and cardiovascular disease such as : high cholesterol and familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) and / or inherited lipid conditions.
As a leading Heart and cardiovascular patient organization in Israel , we at the Israeli Heart Association, place great importance in raising awareness in Israel to heart illnesses and CVD major risk factors, such as high cholesterol and lipid conditions (specifically FH, HoFH, Lp(a), FCS), inherited and non-inherited. As well as promoting and advocating the awareness of the importance of educating the public and stake holders to the importance of access to early diagnosis and suitable treatment of risk conditions, so that all those impacted in Israel receive optimal treatment and support, resulting in longer and healthier lives. As such , we have decided to join FH Europe in the understanding that a pan European organization such as EFH will have the power to lead to changes in the European arena and as a member of the EFH , eventually in the local spectrum – Israel.

A.N.I.F. – Associazione Nazionale Ipercolesterolemia Familiare (ONLUS)
Via dei Savorelli,
120 – 00165 Roma
L’A.N.I.F., Associazione Nazionale Ipercolesterolemia Familiare, ONLUS, è costituita da un gruppo di genitori i cui figli sono affetti da ipercolesterolemia familiare omozigote, eterozigote, o altre iperlipidemie geneticamente determinate.
In Italia sono stimati cinquanta casi di omozigoti, di cui solo una trentina sono diagnosticati e curati, e 120.000 eterozigoti, dei quali, come appare nei documenti dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, solo l’1,9% è diagnosticato con certezza. Vogliamo che questi pazienti ricevano cure adeguate.
L’Associazione ha come finalità primaria la difesa degli interessi dei pazienti affetti da ipercolesterolemia familiare, e fornisce un sostegno a tutte le famiglie attraverso un’attività di informazione diffusa. Promuoviamo iniziative per favorire lo sviluppo e il consolidamento delle attività cliniche inerenti l’assistenza diagnostica e terapeutica ai pazienti, la ricerca sulla malattia e lo sviluppo delle terapie.
Francesco Fuggetta – Press Officer
Via dei Savorelli, 120 – 00165 Roma
Telephone: +39 06 39378144
A.N.I.F., Italian National Association of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, NPO, consists of a group of parents whose children suffer from homozygous or heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia, or other genetically determined hyperlipidaemia.
Fifty cases of homozygous FH are estimated in Italy, of which only thirty are diagnosed and treated, and one hundred and twenty thousand heterozygous, of which, as it appears in the documents of the World Health Organization, only 1.9% is diagnosed with certainty. We want these patients to receive adequate care.
The association has as its primary goal the defence of the interests of patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia, giving support to all families by providing widespread information. We promote initiatives to foster the development and consolidation of clinical activities related to diagnostic and therapeutic care to patients, disease research and therapy development.
Francesco Fuggetta – Press Officer
Via dei Savorelli, 120 – 00165 Roma
Telephone: +39 06 39378144

Via Lima,
31 00198
Tel. 06 845431
GIP-FH è un’associazione di pazienti non a scopo di lucro che si propone di fare rete tra tutti i pazienti con ipercolesterolemia familiare presenti sul territorio nazionale.
Promuovere l’informazione clinico scientifica rivolta alla diagnosi precoce, alla terapia dell’ipercolesterolemia familiare e delle complicanze exravascolari ad essa associate. Aumentare la conoscenza e la consapevolezza delle problematiche sanitarie e sociali collegate a questa patologia garantendo un adeguato supporto ai pazienti affeti da FH per fornire le terapie più adeguate.
L’associazione collabora con la società italiana per lo Studio dell’Arteriosclerosi (SISA) per l’organizzazione di eventi e la diffusione di materiale divulgativo attraverso la newsletter pubblicata sul sito Inoltre fornisce materiale informativo per i pazienti e i medici sul sito e sulla pagina facebook
G.I.P. FH (Italy) is a non-profit group of patients that proposes to make a network to unit FH patients all over Italy .
We intend to promote scientific, clinical information in order to promote early screenings ,FH therapy, and to relate the cardiovascular consequences that FH can produce. We also aim to increase the awareness & knowledge of Health Service problems regarding this pathology , thus guaranteeing FH patients support and the correct therapy.
Our Group collaborates for the organisation of events & promotions in the newsletter published by the Italian ‘Sisa’ Foundation (for the study of Arteriosclerosis) on their website It also supplies information for patient and medical profession on the web site and on the facebook page .

Pacientu biedrība „”
Olgas iela 3-7
LV 1048
Vīzija/Misija: Samazināt saslimšanu un mirstību no sirds un asinsvadu slimībām, tai skaitā, ģimenes hiperholesterinēmijas, popularizējot veselīgu dzīvesveidu, izglītojot iedzīvotājus par slimību riskiem un simptomiem, kā arī aizstāvot pacientu tiesības uz kvalitatīvu veselības aprūpi un medikamentu pieejamību.
- Organizējam izglītojošas un informatīvas kampaņas par sirds veselības profilaksi un slimību simptomiem, organizējam tikšanās un izglītojošus pasākumu ģimenes hiperholesterinēmijas un citu slimību pacientu grupām
- Sadarbībā ar kardiologiem un citiem speciālistiem izstrādājam informatīvus un izglītojošus materiālus par ģimenes hiperholesterinēmijas un citu sirds un asinsvadu slimību profilaksi un ārstēšanu, kā arī veselīgu dzīvesveidu.
- Mēs pārstāvam pacientu intereses komunikācijā ar lēmumu pieņēmējiem, lai veicinātu atbilstošāko ārstēšanas, medikamentu, kā arī pakalpojumu pieejamību.
- Mēs sadarbojamies ar ekspertiem un lēmumupieņēmējiem, lai kopīgi rastu labākos risinājumus veselības aprūpes uzlabošanai.
To reduce the impact of heart and cardiovascular diseases, including FH, by promotion of healthy living, education of society regarding the risks and symptoms of diseases, ensuring the access to health care information. Advocacy of FH patients regarding the availability of appropriate healthcare and medicines.
- Organising heart health prevention and awareness campaigns, specific meetings and events for FH and other patient groups
- In collaboration with cardiologists and other experts we create and produce educational materials for patients related to healthy lifestyle, FH and other cardiovascular diseases and risks.
- We represent the patient interests in order to ensure that they receive the appropriate therapy and medicines, as well as services and caring.
- We collaborate with experts and policymakers in order to improve the healthcare system

Pušyno g.42,
LT- 45185 Kaunas
Tel.No.: +370 68631339
FB: @draugijasveikasirdis
About Us
The Association of cardiovascular (CVD) patients Healthy Heart unites patients with hypertension, high blood cholesterol, arrhythmia, obesity and other cardiovascular diseases, as well as those who care about the heart health and a healthy lifestyle.
The CVD patients’ Association Healthy Heart pursues ambitious goals to not only teach the public to avoid these diseases or to live with them in a quality way, but also to function as an intermediary to be heard by the governmental authorities when important decisions regarding cardiovascular issues and public health on the whole are being considered.
In September, 2020, Mrs. Rasa Semiotiene was elected chairperson at the inaugural meeting of the Healthy Heart Patients’ Association, established in Kaunas (LT).
Our Mission
Mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Lithuania makes 56 percent. Every third person has certain cardiovascular problems or is already a cardiological patient with cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure (hypertension), high levels of cholesterol, overweight or type 2 diabetes, or has experienced a heart attack or stroke.
Our mission is to organize educational seminars, lectures, events, etc. by inviting professionals of medicine, sports or healthy lifestyle for consultancy, and alongside, engage in other educational activities aimed at prevention or reduction of cardiovascular illnesses. We try to provide relevant information on CVD matters on the social media and in person.
We also seek to influence decisions of authorities relevant to the policy of health system in the country. For example, one of the first goals is to fight for more widely available reimbursable medicines for cardiovascular disease treatment.
By joining the FH Europe Network we expect to exchange / share practices with other likeminded Network members (e.g. Newsletter, webinars, events, annual meetings, etc), to be able to design and join pan-European advocacy and awareness campaigns, get access to our partner organizations’ knowledge, trainings, campaigns (e.g. Conferences registrations, free or supported trainings, campaigns toolkits, etc), alongside, we would like to find opportunities for joint projects with other similar organisations. Finally, our target is to gain more visibility internationally and FH Europe’s support in the activities, which are in line with our joint mission.

Santariškių g. 2, LT-08661 Vilnius,
Tel.No.: +370 600 22519
The Lithuanian Heart Association (LHA) is a voluntary and independent, non-governmental organization, uniting medical professionals and patients interested in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. LHA was established in 1994 by initiative of two well-known professors in cardiology – prof. Aleksandras Laucevicius and prof. Rimgaudas Nemickas. LHA has been taking care of heart patients and medical professionals for over 25 years.
LHA primarily engages in informing the public on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and by emphasizing crucial risk factors, such as high cholesterol and other lipid conditions, high blood pressure, overweight/obesity, type 2 diabetes, and role of healthy living. Additionally, LHA searches for the governmental support to improve cardiovascular disease prevention measures in Lithuania, provides patient’ and medical professional’ support.
The Department of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease was established in 2010 at the Lithuanian Heart Association and organizes mutual-support clubs for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, such as FH and other inherited dyslipidemias.
LHA implements its successful campaigns: ‘World Heart Day’, ‘Go Red for Women’, ‘Word Thrombosis Day’, ‘I promise’ initiative, campaigns around FH awareness, heart attack, arterial hypertension, atrial fibrillation and stroke awareness. Additionally, LHA supports educational activities for medical professionals by organizing different local conferences, providing grants for participation in international congresses and publish research papers.
FH screening in Lithuania
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is a major cause of premature death in Lithuania. Lithuanian Health Information Centre of the Institute of Hygiene announced that more than a half of all deaths (52,7%) were caused by CVD in 2020. In 2006 a nationwide Lithuanian High Cardiovascular Risk (LitHiR) primary prevention program has been initiated. Every year more than 260 000 middle-aged individuals without overt CVD are being screened, which covers evaluation of lipid profile as well as other CVD risk factors of every included person. Above 100 000 lipidograms together with other CVD risk factors have been analyzed in detail, and dynamics of these factors prevalence during 10 year period has been evaluated and published in scientific papers.
Dyslipidemia is one of the main CVD risk factors in Lithuania and according to Lithuanian national database, which consists of patients in LitHiR primary prevention program, any type of dyslipidemia was present in 89.7% of all LiTHiR population. Whereas severe hypercholesterolemia (LDL-C ≥6 mmol/l) has been detected in 3.2% (n=2956) of investigated subjects. This may indicate that familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in Lithuania is extremely highly prevalent, however the lack of general awareness of FH among the public and medical community has determined this condition to be widely underdiagnosed and undertreated.
Therefore in 2016 National Screening Programme for FH in Lithuania was initiated as a part of EAS FHSC – the global FH registry. The coordinating center of FH screening program in Lithuania is Vilnius university hospital Santaros klinikos. Extremely important role in improvement of the program action plays collaboration with various organizations nation- and worldwide. Participation in Competence center of Lipidology (member of MetabERN – the European Reference Network for Hereditary Metabolic Diseases) together with Center of Pediatrics and Coordinating Centre of Children’s rare Diseases. Collaboration with pediatricians, GP’s, geneticists, apheresis specialists. Participation in FHSC and ScreenProFH.
In 2020 Children‘s Hospital (affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos) has become a part of a National Screening Programme for FH in Lithuania. Equally, this program has been included in BioMetabol study. Recently, in 2021 Centre of rare diseases of Lithuania has received a grant for 1000 children (from 5 to 10 years) to be screened for FH.

Postbus 300
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 088 – 1111 600
Over ons
De Hart&Vaatgroep is de patiëntenvereniging voor hart- of vaatpatiënten en hun naasten. We werken nauw samen met de Hartstichting.
Missie en Visie
In het kort is de missie van De Hart&Vaatgroep: ‘Leef je leven met een hart- of vaatziekte’. Wij willen het mensen mogelijk maken om zelf regie te voeren over hun ziekte en leven daarmee, met de blik op de toekomst, persoonlijk en op maat.
Wat we doen
De Hart&Vaatgroep komt op voor de belangen van mensen die te maken hebben met een hart- of vaataandoening in Nederland en werkt voortdurend aan het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van de behandeling en de zorg. Dit realiseren we onder andere voor en met mensen met FH. Mensen met de diagnose FH zijn vertegenwoordigd in een werkgroep: ‘Diagnosegroep erfelijk hoog cholesterol (FH)’.
We bieden informatie (brochure, informatiesheets over FH, het kinderboek, magazine Vida), faciliteren het uitwisselen van ervaringen, schrijven artikelen over ontwikkelingen op het gebied van FH, organiseren bijeenkomsten, onderhouden contact met FH experts, signaleren mogelijkheden voor zorgverbetering en werken samen aan de lobby voor systematische opsporing van families met FH.
Huidige situatie
FH is een van de meest voorkomende erfelijke stofwisselingziekten in Nederland. Er zijn 70.000 mensen met FH (bij een prevalentie van 1:240), in 2015 was 42% opgespoord, voornamelijk door middel van het toenmalige bevolkingsonderzoek, dat in 2014 is beëindigd.
About us
De Hart&Vaatgroep is the patient organisation for people with cardiac, arterial en and venous diseases and their relatives. De Hart&Vaatgroep cooperates with the Dutch Heart Foundation.
Mission and Vision
In short the mission of De Hart&Vaatgroep is “to live your life with your disease”. We want to enable people to take the management of their life, with their disease being part of it, in their own hands, with a focus on the future, personally and tailored to their needs.
What we do
De Hart&Vaatgroep advocates for persons dealing with cardiovascular and venous diseases in the Netherlands and constantly works to improve the quality of treatment and care.
We realize this for and with people with FH as well. People who have diagnosed FH are represented in a working group: Diagnosis group familiar high cholesterol (FH).
We provide information (brochure, information sheets about FH, the childrens book, magazine Vida), facilitate the exchange of experiences, write articles about new developments on FH, organize gatherings, keep contact with FH experts, signal opportunities for care improvement and collaborate in political lobby to improve family screening programs for FH.
Current situation
FH is one of the most common familial metabolic diseases in the Netherlands. There are 70.000 FH people (at 1:240 prevalence), in 2015 42% had been screened, mainly because of the op to then existing national program for FH-screening

FH Norge,
PB 8965, Youngstorget
0028 OSLO
Tel. (+47) 95 23 21 31
FH Norge skal ivareta FH (Familiær Hyperkolesterolemi) pasienters interesser ved å informere om FH og om behandling av FH. Videre skal foreningen virke som kontaktorgan overfor myndigheter og helsepersonell, fremme interessen for forskning og virke som kontaktledd i internasjonalt samarbeid.
Foreningen skal gjennom sitt arbeid bidra til økende grad av diagnostisering av FH pasienter og derigjennom forhindre alt for tidlig død, hjerteoperasjoner og uførhet blant personer med FH. FH Norge skal sette hyperkolesterolemi problematikken på dagsorden i den offentlige debatt.
FN Norge driver omfattende informasjonsarbeid mot våre medlemmer og helsepersonell, blant annet gjennom vårt FH-magasin, våre FH-dager og annen virksomhet.
FH Norway’s aim is to inform about FH and about treatment for FH. We are working as a contact point towards health authorities and healthcare personnel, raising awareness about FH and participating in international cooperation.
Our work aims to find more FH patients and through that prevent early deaths, heart operations and disability due to heart disease.
FH Norway publishes the FH-magazine: this magazine is disseminated to patients and healthcare personnel in Norway. We also arrange FH-days and participate in other information and lobbying activities.

z Hiperlipidemią Rodzinną w Gdańsku
Dębinki 7
80-211 Gdańsk
Misją naszej fundacji jest zwiększenie świadomości oraz zwalczenie stereotypów dotyczących Hipercholesterolemii Rodzinnej.
Stowarzyszenie pacjentów pomaga zrozumieć chorobę i pokazuje, jak z nią walczyć. Informując społeczeństwo mamy nadzieję na dotarcie do ludzi chorujących na hipercholesterolemię rodzinną by poprawić ich rokowanie i stworzyć poczucie wspólnoty wśród pacjentów.
Przygotowujemy akcje informacyjne w mediach pokazując społeczeństwu jak częstym problemem jest Hipercholesterolemia Rodzinna. Organizujemy spotkania, na których pacjenci mogą dzielić się swoimi problemami i doświadczeniami oraz porozmawiać z kardiologiem lub pediatrą by wiedzieć jak leczyć siebie, a przede wszystkim swoje dzieci. Promujemy zdrowy styl życia i właściwy sposób odżywiania. Bierzemy udział w konferencjach medycznych, by być na bieżąco z najnowszymi doniesieniami dotyczącymi zaburzeń lipidowych oraz nawiązujemy współpracę z organizacjami pacjenckimi z innych krajów.
The mission of our foundation is to raise the public awareness and fight stereotypes about Familial Hypercholesterolaemia.
The patients association helps understand the disease and shows how to fight it. By educating society, we hope to reach people suffering from FH to improve their outcome and create a sense of community among the patients.
We prepare information campaigns in the media showing the public how common a problem familial hypercholesterolaemia is. We organise meetings where patients can share their problems and experiences, and talk to the cardiologist or paediatrician to learn how to treat themselves and, above all, their children. We promote a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. We participate in medical conferences to keep up-to-date with the latest reports on lipid disorders, and we cooperate with patient organisations from other countries.
Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Pacjentów ze Schorzeniami Serca i Naczyń „EcoSerce”
ul. Św. Walentego 3, Miłość
42-350 Koziegłowy
Stowarzyszenie EcoSerce powstało w listopadzie 2018roku i działa na rzecz pacjentów z chorobami serca i układu krążenia.
Działania Stowarzyszenia koncentrują się na wspieraniu pacjentów kardiologicznych poprzez organizację debat i konferencji, warsztatów w małych i większych miejscowościach oraz kampaniach informacyjnych i edukacyjnych.
Stowarzyszenie EcoSerce jest inicjatorem Porozumienia Organizacji Kardiologicznych – inicjatywy, która zrzesza największe i najbardziej aktywne podmioty pacjenckie działające w obszarze kardiologii.
Przedstawiciele organizacji biorą aktywny udział w konferencjach, debatach i posiedzenia zespołów i komisji parlamentarnych z zakresu kardiologii i potrzeb pacjentów.
EcoSerce jest inicjatorem Kampanii „TeleSerce – serce pod kontrolą” oraz organizatorem konferencji „Karta praw pacjenta z niewydolnością serca – czy Polska jest na nią gotowa?”.
Ponadto Stowarzyszenie jest członkiem Rady Organizacji Pacjentów przy Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta oraz Global Heart Hub – międzynarodowego podmiotu zrzeszającego organizacje pacjentów z całego świata.
The EcoSerce Association was established in November 2018 and works for patients with heart and circulatory system diseases.
The activities of the Association focus on supporting cardiac patients by organizing debates and conferences, workshops in small and larger towns as well as information and educational campaigns.
The EcoSerce Association is the initiator of the Alliance of Cardiac Organizations – an initiative that brings together the largest and most active patient entities operating in the field of cardiology.
Representatives of the organization actively participate in conferences, debates and meetings of parliamentary teams and committees in the field of cardiology and patients’ needs.
EcoSerce is the initiator of the “TeleSerce – heart under control” campaign and the organizer of the conference “Charter of rights of patients with heart failure – is Poland ready for it?”.
In addition, the Association is a member of the Council of Patient Organizations at the Patient Ombudsman and the Global Heart Hub – an international entity associating patient organizations from around the world.

Associação Portuguesa de Hipercolesterolemia Familiar
NIPC: 5100334776
Rua Garrett, n. 19, 2ºA,
200-203 Lisboa
Tel: (351) 213 583 120
- Divulgar, junto da população em geral, a existência de FH e de outras dislipidémias hereditárias;
- Esclarecer sobre os aspectos relativos a estas doenças e sensibilizar os médicos e os profissionais de saúde para a necessidade do diagnóstico e tratamento precoces e, assim, evitar a doença cardiovascular prematura.
- Representar os interesses dos doentes na definição das políticas de saúde e estabelecer uma ligação efectiva com as organizações parceiras de todo o mundo.
Ações de divulgação junto dos media, participação em congressos médicos, colaboração com os profissionais do sector da saúde, instituições governamentais e indústria farmacêutica; organização de rastreios e iniciativas similares; cooperação internacional entre outras actividades.
- Inform the public in general of the existence of FH and other hereditary dyslipidaemias.
- To make clear all the aspects related to these diseases and to make clinicians and healthcare professionals aware of the need for early diagnosis and treatment, thus preventing premature cardiovascular disease.
- To represent the interests of the patients in the definition of health policies and to establish effective connections with partner organisations around the world.
Activities to raise awareness in the media, attendance in clinical conferences and cooperation with the healthcare sector, government institutions and pharmaceutical industry; participation in medical conferences; organisation of screenings and related activities; international cooperation and much more.

Sos. Colentina, Nr.1, Bl. 34, Sector 2
Bucharest, Romania
Tel. 021 311 00 02
HLP PO Russia
22-8-16, Festivalnaya str. 125581
Russian Federation
Tel. +7 9161359617
Основной целью нашей пациентской организации является информирование широкой общественности о рисках гиперхолестеринемии, особенно семейной, тем самым содействуя предотвращению ранних сердечно-сосудистых заболеваних, информирование самих пациентов о современных методах лечения, делая его более доступным.
Среди наших задач мы выделяем:
Организацию соответствующих информационных компаний/Лекции/Школы пациентов,
Сотрудничество с экспертами и госчиновниками с целью дальнейшего улучшения, действующей системы здравоохранения для увеличения степени доступности современных методов лечения/ препаратов для широкого круга пациентов,
Защита прав пациентов в получении качественного лечения,
Обеспечение возможности обмена опытом для пациентов,
Организацию/участие в конференциях и мероприятиях соответствующей тематики,
Широкое сотрудничество с пациентскими организациями из других стран.
The mission of our patient organization is to raise the public awareness about the risks of FH, preventing premature cardiovascular diseases, and to inform the patients about modern treatment for FH, making it available for them.
Organize the awareness campaigns/lectures/Patient Schools,
Collaborate with experts and policymakers to improve the current healthcare system, making modern medications available for patients,
Represent the patient interests to ensure that they receive the correct modern treatment,
Provide the possibility to exchange experience among patients,
Organize/participate in the appropriate conferences and events on FH/HLP ,
Cooperate with PO from other countries.

Rodiny S FH
Borský Svätý Jur 697
Slovak republic
Tel. +421 907 743 319
Rodiny s FH je občianske združenie, ktoré je prioritne zamerané na pomoc pacientom s familiárnou hypercholesterolémiou (FH) a ich rodinným príslušníkom. Hlavnou náplňou združenia je podporovať kontakty medzi pacientmi s FH, ich rodinných príslušníkov a ošetrujúcimi lekármi a pomáhať im tak lepšie porozumieť tejto diagnóze ako aj zvyšovať povedomie o nej medzi slovenskou odbornou aj všeobecnou verejnosťou.
Našim cieľom je
- vytvárať priestor pre vzájomné stretávanie pacientov s FH spolu s ich rodinnými príslušníkmi, lekármi, priaznivcami
- organizovať odborné semináre, kurzy a tlačové konferencie o problematike familiárnej hypercholestrolémie pre pacientov, ich príbuzných, lekárov a všeobecnú verejnosť
- usilovať sa o úzku spoluprácu s praktickými a odbornými lekármi, medzi ktorých klientelou sa nachádzajú pacienti s familiárnou hypercholestrolémiou
Rodiny s FH (Families with FH) is a patient association that has been founded to support patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and their family members. The main aim of the association is to promote personal contact and exchange of experience between patients with FH, their family members and their physicians and thus to help them better understand the disease and to increase awareness of the disease both in general and throughout the professional Slovak community.
Our work aims to:
- create the possibility for joint meetings of FH patients, their family members, health care professionals and supporting persons
- organise seminars, lectures and press-conferences focused on FH for patients, physicians and for lay members of the public to raise awareness about FH
- support close collaboration between general practitioners and specialists dealing with patients with FH

Društvo za zdravje srca in ožilja Slovenije
Dalmatinova ulica 10
1000 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 41 767 020
Facebook: @DrustvoZaSrce
Instagram: @za_srce
Slovenian Heart Foundation
The Slovenian Heart Foundation is an organization working in the public interest, in the field of health and research. In December 2012, the Slovenian Heart Foundation established a Network of non-governmental organizations in the field of public health called ” Network 25×25″, which is active on advocacy about public health, health system, patient’s rights, etc.
The Slovenian Heart Foundation carries out activities in the fields of raising awareness of members and the general public on cardiovascular diseases, prevention, and better quality of life amongst patients with already existing cardiovascular disease.
Together with its 11 branch offices, the Slovenian Heart Foundation carries out numerous preventative measurements with consultations at consultation offices and also on the field (in public places, such as supermarkets and offices).
Slovenian Heart Foundation’s major public activities and campaigns:
Blood Vessels Day, European Stroke Awareness Day (in collaboration with the Association of patients with cerebrovascular disease),
European Heart Failure Awareness Day,
World Heart Day,
World Thrombosis Day,
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) Week and World FH Day
World Heart Day
World Stroke Day (we collaborate with the Association of patients with cerebrovascular disease)
World Diabetes Day (we collaborate with the Slovenian Diabetes Association).
Individual consultations: via the telephone, online forum, and personal consultations, workshops for self-help, and CPR courses.
Lectures for the general public and workshops for primary and secondary schools: we carried out over 110 events altogether across Slovenia. For promoting a healthy lifestyle and prevention of CVD we use our mascot, Heart Bimbam.
Informing the public, advocacy and raising awareness on prevention and cardiovascular diseases
Slovenian Heart Foundation also releases magazine “Za srce” since 1991. It also publishes various promotion material about CVD and prevention, eg. a leaflet and a poster accompanying World Heart Day and other publications:
Publishing is one of the more important activities of the Foundation. With issuing the Za Srce magazine, we keep in regular touch with our numerous members across Slovenia. The magazine includes 7 issues, with each issue having 8,000 printed copies. The magazine is run by an editorial board under the management of Aleš Blinc, Prof. Dr., MD.
Foundation also raises awareness about CVD and healthy lifestyle through the website, and social media (Facebook, Instagram).
The foundation also issues promotional videos, eg.:
- 3 Bad Habits of Healthy People, including billboard posters around Slovenia: –
- Children in the City –
- Look away from the screens«, which raises awareness of addiction to digital technology –
The Foundation also reaches out to the public via well-established press releases and press-conferences on the fields of a healthy lifestyle and CVD prevention, collaborating with the radio and TV stations as well. That is why the Foundation also promotes its activities and content through Network 25×25.
Within Network 25×25 and newly formed NCD Alliance Slovenia, the Foundation also works on the advocacy of a healthy lifestyle not only amongst the public but also amongst decision-makers as well.

Mª Teresa Pariente
General Álvarez de Castro,
14 1ºE
28010 Madrid
Tel. +34 91 5570071/5042206
Informar, detectar y apoyar a las familias con Hipercolesterolemia Familiar (HF) para prevenir la enfermedad cardiovascular prematura.
Ser un referente en las hipercolesterolemias genéticas
El objetivo principal de la FHF es sensibilizar a las familias con HF, a los profesionales de la salud y a las autoridades sanitarias entre otros, sobre este trastorno genético que afecta a más de 100.000 personas en España, y así, prevenir la enfermedad cardiovascular prematura. Igualmente, la FHF, proporciona información a las familias con HF y a todos sus grupos de interés, a través de la acción divulgativa: líneas de apoyo telefónico, boletín informativo, folletos y página web, con el objetivo de que conozcan el riesgo del colesterol elevado y la necesidad de tratamiento y control, así como la importancia de una dieta sana y unos hábitos de vida saludables.
La FHF para desarrollar sus objetivos, realiza acuerdos de colaboración con sus grupos de interés, puesto que las acciones conjuntas con la implicación de los pacientes, profesionales de la salud, autoridades sanitarias, y medios de comunicación son necesarias, no solo para que la información llegue de forma más efectiva, sino también para concienciar a los políticos sobre el riesgo de la HF y la importancia de incluirla en la agenda política.
To inform, detect and support families with FH, aiming to prevent premature cardiovascular disease.
To be a reference in genetic hypercholesterolaemias and diseases related to cholesterol.
The FHF is committed to raising awareness of FH as a genetic disorder affecting more than 100,000 people in Spain and thus prevent early cardiovascular disease, since most of them are undiagnosed. FHF also advises and provides information to the families and healthcare providers by means of a telephone helpline, newsletter and website, in order to disseminate information on cholesterol risk, dietary habits and healthy life-styles.
The FHF links its efforts with the collaboration of its stakeholders since the involvement of patients, doctors, health authorities and the mass media is very necessary, as well as lobbying policy makers regarding the recognition of FH risk.

FH Sverige
c/o Gunnar Karlsson
Förmansvägen 28
151 47 Södertälje
Tel. 08-335 0573/070 335 0573
Patientföreningen FH Sverige bildades 2009 med syfte att verka för att personer med ärftligt höga kolesterolnivåer ska kunna identifieras och diagnostiseras samt behandlas redan i unga år.
Patientföreningen ska ta tillvara FH-patienters behov i Sverige oavsett bostadsort, kön eller ålder. Det är av stor vikt att sjukvården fokuseras på förebyggande verksamhet för att därmed väsentligt reducera risken för hjärt-/kärl-sjukdomar bland FH-patienterna.
Vi har som målsättning att innan år 2020 ska 80 % av de som har FH i Sverige, ca 40 000 personer, vara identifierade och diagnostiserade samt ha erbjudits behandling.
Föreningen deltar aktivt i det globala arbetet för att ta del av andra länders erfarenheter och åstadkomma en likartad vård över hela Europa. Detta är viktigt då svenska FH patienter har familjemedlemmar som bor i andra länder av Europa och behöver tillgång till samma FH kompetens.
FH Sweden was founded in 2009 with the aim that people with hereditary high cholesterol levels should be identified and diagnosed as well as treated at as young an age as possible.
We shall safeguard the FH needs of patients in Sweden regardless of place of residence, gender or age. It is of great importance that healthcare is focused on prevention, thereby significantly reducing the risk of heart/vascular diseases among FH-patients.
We are working with the objective that before the year 2020, 80% of people with FH, numbering approximately 40,000, should be identified, diagnosed and been offered treatment.
The Association actively participates in global efforts in order to learn from other countries´ experiences and to provide similar care in Europe. This is important as Swedish Patients have got family members living in other countries in Europe and need access to the same FH-skills.

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Familiäre Formen der Hypercholesterinämie (SGFH)
Tel. 061 711 85 82
Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Familiäre Formen der Hypercholesterinämie (SGFH) (gegründet im November 2014) bietet Patienten eine Plattform, auf der sie ihre tägliche Herausforderungen mit anderen Patienten teilen und Unterstützung von einander und von Gesundheitsexperten erhalten können.
Die Organisation bemüht sich, die Wahrnehmung dieser Krankheit auf den öffentlichen, medizinischen und gesundheitspolitischen Ebenen zu steigern, um die frühzeitige Erkennung der Erkrankung und mögliche Therapien zu fördern und somit kardiovaskuläre Ereignisse zu verhindern.
Was wir tun
Die Organisation bietet auf der Webseite und in persönlichen Gesprächen Informationen über die Krankheit und zukünftige Therapieformen, mit dem Ziel Patienten mit familiären Formen der Hypercholesterinämie (FFH) in ihrem täglichen Leben zu unterstützen. Wir veröffentlichen die neusten wissenschaftlichen Informationen und Abstracts medizinischer Events rund um familiäre Formen der Hypercholesterinämie.
Wir wirken gemeinsam mit Ärzten und Experten des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens und bemühen uns ein Krankheitsbewusstsein in der Ärzteschaft zu schaffen, um den Patientenweg durch einer richtigen Diagnose und frühzeitigen passenden Therapie zu verkürzen.
Unser Ziel ist es, die medizinische Gemeinschaft in Bezug auf einer frühzeitigen Erkennung und Therapie, durch Führung lokaler Fortbildungen, Präsenz an Kongressen, Anlässe und der öffentlichen Kundgebung der Patienteninteressen, zu bilden.
La Société Suisse pour des Formes d’Hypercholestérolémie Familiales (SSHF) (fondé en Novembre 2014) propose aux patients une plateforme sur laquelle, ils peuvent partager leurs défis quotidiens avec d’autres patients, se soutenir mutuellement et obtenir le soutien d’experts de la santé.
L’organisation s’efforce d’augmenter la prise de conscience de la maladie au niveau médical et santé publique, par le dépistage précoce de cette maladie, d’activer les potentielles thérapies et par conséquent empêcher les accidents cardiovasculaires.
Ce que nous faisons
L’organisation offre sur la page web et en entretien personnel des informations sur la maladie et les futures formes de thérapies, avec pour but de soutenir les patients avec des formes d’hypercholestérolémie familiales (FHF) dans leur vie quotidienne. Nous rendons publique les nouvelles informations scientifiques et les résumés des événements médicaux autour des formes d’hypercholestérolémie familiales.
Nous agissons ensemble avec des médecins et experts du système de santé publique et nous efforçons d’arriver à une prise de conscience de la maladie dans la profession médicale, pour réduire le parcours du patient au moyen d’un diagnostic correct et un traitement précoce approprié.
Notre objectif est de former la communauté médicale au niveau de la détection et du traitement précoces, en mettant en oeuvre la formation locale, la présence à des conférences, des rencontres et des manifestations publiques dans l’intérêt du patient.
The Swiss Society for Familial Forms of Hypercholesterolemia (Swiss FH) (founded in November 2014) offers patients a common platform to share daily challenges, get support from each other and from health care professionals.
The Swiss FH organization aims to raise the awareness for these diseases at a public, medical, and health political level in order to promote the early detection of the disease and possible treatment options by preventing cardiovascular events.
What we do
The organization provides information on the website and in a form of face to face meetings to patients about the disease and future therapy options in order to help patients with familial forms of hypercholesterolemia (FFH) to be able to manage disease-specific problems in their everyday life. We publish on a regular basis the latest scientific information and abstracts of medical events around FFH.
We collaborate with physicians and public health experts and put our effort to create disease awareness in the medical community to shorten the patient journey by providing the correct diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.
Our objective is to educate the medical community with respect to early detection and treatment by holding local lectures, being present at congresses in the field, events and voice the interests of the patients in public.

Mansuroğlu mah 286/3 sokak No.14B
Ailevi Hiperkolestrolemi Derneği, hastalığın farkındalığını artırmaya yönelik eğitim ve araştırma odaklı bir hasta derneğidir.
Derneğin merkezi İzmir’dir.
Dernek, AH hakkında eğitim vermeyi , hastaların yaşam kalitesine katkıda bulunmayı amaçlar. Gerek hastane ve doktorları, gerekse toplumu AH konusunda bilinçlendirmeyi hedefler.
Hastaların ekonomik, sosyal,kültürel, hukuki, mesleki eğitim gibi alanlarda çıkarlarının korunması ve yaşam kalitesinin artması yönünde faaliyetlerde bulunur.
AH hastalarının ve ailelerinin uygun tedavi merkezlerine yönlendirilmesi ve aralarındaki dayanışmasının artırılması için çaba gösterir.
Hastalıkla ilgili güncel bilgilere ulaşmalarını sağlar. Yurtdışındaki benzer derneklere üye olarak, uluslararası bilgi akışı ve dayanışmaya katkıda bulunur.
Mansuroğlu Mahallesi, 286/3 Sokak
No. 14B
Tower/ Bayraklı
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Association of Turkey is an organisation that aims to raise awareness of the public and patients through its research and educational activities.
Our headquarters is in the western city of Izmir. We give support to help improve the quality of life of those affected with FH. We aim to raise awareness among both the medical profession and society at large.
Our Association works towards helping patients and health professionals to understand the condition and to protect their economic, social, cultural, legal and educational rights and interests.
We strive to help improve access to appropriate treatment for patients and aim to strengthen solidarity among patient groups.By joining international networks, we are able to provide relevant information and keep patients, doctors and hospitals aware of up to date developments.
Our contact details:
Ailevi Hiperkolesterolemi Derneği
Mansuroğlu Mahallesi, 286/3 Sokak
No. 14B
Tower/ Bayraklı

HEART UK – The Cholesterol Charity
7 North Road,
Maidenhead, Berkshire
Sl6 1PE
Tel. +44 1628 777046
About Us
HEART UK- The Cholesterol Charity offers support and help for people living with and affected by high cholesterol, such as FH and other blood fat conditions. The Cholesterol Helpline is run by HEART UK nurses and dietitians. A wide range of written materials is also freely available.
HEART UK supports a network of “Ambassadors”, who are people affected by cholesterol, including FH. They help organise peer-to-peer group meetings, assist in providing a patient perspective in decision-making and campaign in the media and seek to influence our Government on behalf of FH patients.
HEART UK offers education and professional development support, including a highly respected annual Scientific Conference for health care professionals and actively campaigns for service improvements, access to medicines and diagnosis of FH.
Our vision is to prevent premature deaths caused by high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. We aim to ensure that the majority of UK adults know and understand their cholesterol levels and undertake any necessary action.
Contact details:
Jules Payne, Chief Executive
HEART UK – The Cholesterol Charity
7 North Road, Maidenhead,
England S16 1PE
Tel: +44 1628 777046
Twitter: heartukcharity

36 Gaskell St
Tel: +44 7517 752168
FaceBook: Action FCS
Twitter @actionfcs
Instagram @Actionfcs
About Us
Action FCS is a patient-led charity based in the UK, that aims to educate and raise awareness of Familial Chylomicronaemia Syndrome (FCS), to support people affected by the condition and to advocate for new medicines.
Action FCS was founded in July 2015 and registered with the Charity Commission in March 2016, charity number 1165873. Formerly called LPLD Alliance, the charity was founded by a patient along with a small board of trustees.
We run an annual FCS awareness day on the first Friday of November – the FCS 10g Fat Challenge where we set the challenge for everyone to eat only 10g fat in a day to get a sense of where the difficulties are in doing this.
We hold online information sessions about the condition and its impact and our website provides information and strategies to support managing the condition.
We have a dedicated facebook group for those patients, and carers of people with FCS, and we have represented the patient voice at the European Medicines Agency and at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the UK medicines reimbursement agency.
FH Europe is supported by an educational grant from Amgen Limited, Sanofi, Regeneron, Akcea Therapeutics Inc. and Amryt
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